So what or who is LoRaWAN?

Before we answer that question, let's think about how it links to the Internet of Things (IoT)

Quite simply, IoT is a beautifully simple idea that is revolutionising the way we are connecting things on the internet, interconnecting physical items that can improve our daily lives. When something is connected to the internet, it can send or receive information.  Or do both!

Connecting these ‘things’ to the internet gives you access to the information they send and receive and having more information allows you to make much more accurate decisions. Knowledge is power!

How are IoT connected? 

Well that’s where LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) comes in.

IoT kicked off in the UK in 2015, with the introduction of low power networks expanding over large distances. This is similar to the way 4g or WIFI works,  but using a low powered frequency, which allows devices to connect and interact with each other using minimal battery power - making it environmentally friendly and low cost for the end user.

These networks are supported by what are known as LoRaWAN gateways, particularly for industrial level IoT, which demands cost effective, long-range and power -efficient sensors. LoRaWAN is the global standard point to multipoint networking protocol and each gateway is able to  support up to 10,000 things within a range of 10km, with devices lasting up to 5 years.

The IoT network has expanded in recent times and you can see from the two graphics, that both worldwide and in the UK there are tens of thousands of gateways up and running. In the UK there are over 1000 alone.

And there’s no need to worry about the security of the network due to the advanced encryption of the data from the thing to the dashboard, therefore devices can operate freely and securely across networks. 

If you want to set up your own network, you can simply buy your own gateway from various suppliers. This will enable you to connect devices that you have created to the network. Alternatively you can use the interactive map on The Things Network  to see if there is an open network in your local area that you can hook up to. 

A little TECHY stuff

Now a bit of information for the techies out there…. 

If you haven’t heard about LoRa and LoRaWAN before - LoRa is a wireless modulation that encodes information on radio waves using chirp pulses - similar to the way dolphins and bats communicate. This makes it robust against disturbances and is received over great distances. LoRaWAN is a Media Access Control (MAC) layer built on top of the LoRa modulation. This allows data to be sent over large distances, providing greater communication range with low bandwidth.

How can it help you?

It allows IoT devices to communicate with internet connected applications over long distances with minimal battery usage this creates maximum efficiency for businesses. LoRa is;

  • Designed for large scale public networks.

  • It is unlicensed meaning anyone can build and be in charge of their own network.

  • You can locate it anywhere you want.

  • Large range

  • UltraLow power

  • Low cost

At we provide innovative technology by offering our dewin open:close device to the consumer. If you have problems keeping track of any physical object that opens and closes, then we could be keeping your business safe and saving you money. Whether you are in agriculture and perhaps fed up with gates being left open and your livestock escaping, or you are in an office block and need to keep your site secure, attaching one of our devices to your gates, windows or doors could be a great solution!

And if you fancy getting to know a lot more about LoRaWan, why not give us a call and talk through your ideas.


Moelogan Fawr
